Yearly Rental Only

We have a variety of unit sizes to meet every storage need. Prices are shown with monthly rate but we only accept yearly rentals.

24 x 10 x 10

$50 / month*

Waiting List

32 x 10 x 10

$58.33 / month*

30 x 12 x 12

$66.67 / month*

Waiting List

32 x 12 x 12

$66.67 / month*

Waiting List

34 x 12 x 12

$66.67 / month*

Waiting List

35 x 12 x 12

$66.67 / month*

Waiting List

40 x 12 x 12

$75 / month*

Waiting List

Home Rental

$550 / month

Waiting List

*Prices may reflect a discount from a longer term agreement.